Notices of exams, result, vacation, public holidays, school programs, school app for mobiles and any events related to school are uploaded in the NOTICE page of school website.
Notices of exams, result, vacation, public holidays, school programs, school app for mobiles and any events related to school are uploaded in the NOTICE page of school website.
The new academic year starts from the beginning of the month called Baishak in every year. Baishakh is the first month of Nepali year called Bikram Sambat(BS). This month starts from the middle of English calendar month, April.
The new academic year 2024/25 AD (2081 BS) starts from 14th of April 2024 (Baishakh 2, 2081) and will end on 13th of April 2025 AD (Chaitra 31, 2081).
The school year starts from the 2nd of Baishakh because the first day of baishakh is New Year holiday.
To have more information about the school year, click on:
Kingdom Himalayan Secondary Boarding School is located in the place called Prayasnagar, Tokha-7, Kathmandu. The place is just 100 meters north from the Ring Road and the place is also known as Basundhara Chouki. For information in detail, click on:
The School provides different sports training to all students from different grades. For different sports training, students should give time in the morning or in the evening. The training also be conducted on Saturday if the students require it. For information in detail, please, visit the sport page clicking on the following image.
Students of all different grades can have martial arts training in the school. Students those who like to have martial arts training should give time in the evening and if required, even on Saturday, they can have martial arts training. If someone would like to learn about martial arts in detail, visit martial arts page clicking on the image below.
Swimming is additional facility the school provides all students from different grades. Swimming training depends on the whether and season. If the weather is very cold or raining, school cannot give swimming training. School also does not give swimming training in the winter season (November to February). For more information, click on the image below.
Kingdom Himalayan believes invention so all students from all different grades are taken to visit different places and encourage the students to explore more and more things which they have never seen and have never heard about them before. If someone is interested to know more about educational tour, visit next page clicking on the image below.